Process Update – December 10, 2014


We continue to make good progress simultaneously on phases I and II of our process to develop a sustainable budget for Wooster.  This week, my update highlights new analyses available on our wiki and plans for our continuing exploration of ideas. To date, students, faculty, and staff have submitted 120 ideas for revenue generation, efficiencies, cost reductions, and things we should stop doing or do differently.   You have also submitted 11 comments on these ideas.   The complete list, as a spreadsheet, is on our Strategic Planning wiki.

New “data and analyses” on our Sustainable Budget Planning page of the wiki includes:

  • A spreadsheet of our revenues and expenses based on our audited financial statements, for the period 1997 – 2014, compiled by our Finance staff; and
  • A compilation of our staffing data as reported to the US Department of Education in its periodic “IPEDS HR Surveys” for the period 1987 to 2013.

Our planning for discussion of sustainable budget ideas with groups of staff, faculty, and students is progressing.  Before the winter break, we will have sessions for staff to share the ideas that are emerging from the work in divisions and from the suggestions submitted.  When we return in January, we will begin review of ideas that are emerging as priorities.  In addition to the special faculty meeting scheduled for January 12, we will schedule sessions for staff and work with SGA to schedule sessions for students.

Please continue to submit sustainable budget ideas through the on-line suggestion box.

Thank you all for your earnest engagement with this process.


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